It is inevitable: within two-three hours of shaving the coarse stubbly hairs that Mother Nature has so lovingly bestowed upon my legs and bikini area, I will develop an onslaught of red, swollen, zit-like, bumps upon every single offended hair follicle of shorn skin (OK, I exaggerate, but not much!) Just lovely - as if I didn't have enough to deal with having the darkest, coarsest hair possible growing out of the palest, most sensitive skin possible. I have struggled for years to find a solution to shaving rash and was beginning to think that the only remedy was to simply get completley hippie and let my hair grow out... until I received a small sample vial of Tend Skin Liquid from a friend who had recently had a waxing and was not in need of said product because she was apparently blessed with perfect skin... grrrr. I gave Tend Skin a whirl during a particularly painful episode of shaving rash and was absolutley stunned by the almost immediate results: fewer bumps, lesseing of redness, and decrease in itchiness and swelling! Needless to say, I IMMEDIATELY hopped on the internet and began my search for the biggest bottle of Tend Skin Liquid that I could find, when I happened upon a competitor product of the same genre called MiN New York Solution2 Razor Bump Rollerball Treatment. I decided upon the purchase of MiN product because of the innovative rollerball dispensing mechanism (think of those cheap perfumes we had as young girls in the late 70s) which proved to be much easier and less messy to use than Tend Skin Liquid. The MiN solution consists of mostly the same ingredients as Tend Skin Liquid, but I found MiN to be much more pleasant smelling due to its use of Organic Spearmint. MiN New York Razor Bump Treatment cleans and disinfects the skin of bacteria, thus helping to prevent razor bumps, acne, and blemishes and the liquid aspirin is the reason for reduction in swelling, redness, and irritation after shaving. Another nice, and environmentally friendly, perk of the MiN product is that the Rollerball Treatment bottle is refillable with MiN New York's large bottle of Razor Bump Treatment. Overall, I would say that, in my humble opinion, this product is about as good as one can get to help offset the irritating side effects of having exceptionally sensitive skin in an unforgiving world obsessed with perfection and hairlesslessness.