1) Kong Dental Stuff-A-Ball: First of all, major props to the entire line of Kong toys as our dogs generally adore every single one of them. All Kong rubber toys are crafted from a super-bouncy, durable, natural, rubber compound that can withstand rigorous playtime and c

a) the 'Stuff-A-Ball' is equipped with 'Dental Ridges' which perforate all sides of the toy, allowing for cleaning of teeth and massaging of gums - apparently very enjoyable for pups as both of ours spend a lot of time chewing on the 'Stuff-A-Ball!'
b) the 'Stuff-A-Ball' can't be beat for games of catch with your pup because it is lightweight and bounces in an unpredictable fashion, the former of which make for excellent aerodynamics (and a curiosity-arousing whistling sound via those 'Dental Ridges') and the latter of which provides mental stimulation
c) as the name implies, the 'Stuff-A-Ball' can be filled with any manner of treats via the hollow center, thus rendering it a puzzle toy. Our dogs have spent many hours nudging the Kong around on the ground and picking it up and dropping it in order to release the treats within - superb for providing much needed canine mental stimulation.
2) Kong Dental Jump'N Jack: The Jump 'N Jack is excellent for all of the same re
asons as the 'Stuff-A-Ball:' natural rubber, durable, bouncy, lightweight, equipped with 'Dental Ridges,' and treat-stuffable. I find that the best way to up the tastiness factor of the Jump 'N Jack is not via stuffed treats, but, rather, via Kong Stuff'N Paste which is basically meaty-flavored, dog-friendly 'Spray/Easy Cheese' - there is a breath freshening Stuff'N Paste which our dogs go bonkers for and has the benefit of diminishing doggy breath... brilliant! The best feature of the Jump'N Jack is that it is VERY erratically bouncy which stimulates to the very fullest the hunt, chase, and pounce canine instincts. Simply a wonderful, wonderful dog toy!

3) Ethical Pet - Spot Pup Treads Rubber Tire: OK, you MUST buy one of these if you have an aggressive chewer like my Airedale, Twiggy! By far, this has been the best d
og toy purchase I have made for her. First of all, they are shaped like truck tires and, when playing catch, the bouncing and rolling action of the Pup Treads Tire creates heightened levels of pup excitement and mental stimulation. Secondly, the Pup Treads Tire has both raised bumps and nylon flossing fibers which help to clean teeth and massage gums during chew-chew fests. Lastly, Pup Treads Tires are made of recycled materials and are EXCEEDINGLY tough and durable - my Twiggy, who can chew through and engorge ham bones in 10 minutes, has made nary a dent on the Pup Treads Tire!

Try adding one of these dog toys to your pup's bower - they will most certainly bark in approval!